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The role of science and technology

When viewed from the perspective of activities, science will be understood as a special field of human activity. This type of activity aims to discover the nature and laws of the world’s movement. From there, apply the entire understanding and discovery into production and in social life.

What is science and technology?
1.1. Learn science concepts
According to an explanation from a dictionary source, the science is quite complex. Therefore, we will have many different interpretations with this concept depending on the research purpose as well as the approach. Whereby:
When understood at the most general level, science is the knowledge system of the worldview. In Vietnam, the Law on Science and Technology clearly states that: Science consists of a knowledge system of phenomena, things and laws in nature, in society and in human thinking itself.
When viewed from the perspective of activities, science will be understood as a special field of human activity. This type of activity aims to discover the nature and laws of the world’s movement. From there, apply the entire understanding and discovery into production and in social life.

In fact, from this perspective, science is a scientific research activity , a process of creating new knowledge for all humanity.
1.2. Technology concept
Technology is a term derived from the Greek word “Techne” meaning arts, skills and “Logia” means science and research.
In Vietnam, there used to be a concept of technology concept that technology is knowledge, is the result of applied science with the purpose of transforming resources into goals for profit making.
To this day, the most commonly understood interpretation is the one most appropriate for the technology management, development policies and perspectives that are specifically and clearly defined in the Law on Science and Technology. :
Technology is a collection of processes, skills, methods, tools, know-how and means used to transform resources into products.
1.3. What is science and technology?
Based on the two concepts of science and technology above, do you have an idea of ​​what science and technology are?
In the most general way, science and technology are a set of systematic and creative activities with the main purpose of developing knowledge related to people, nature and society. This knowledge can then be used to create new application resources.
Scientific and technological activities are activities of scientific research, implementation of experiments, conducting technological development and technological applications and scientific-technological services. From there, we can promote all initiatives and creative activities to develop science and technology. A scientific researcher who understands what creativity is more than anyone else to come up with innovative new products that contribute to the promotion of economic and social activities.

In Vietnam, the Law on Science and Technology stipulates the content of science and technology. As follows:
– Scientific research is an activity to discover and learn about phenomena, things as well as natural – social laws and thinking. At the same time, it is also the creation of solutions that can be applied to practical activities. Research activities will include basic research and applied research.
– Technology development is the activity of creating and perfecting new technologies and new products. This is an activity consisting of two tasks, which is experimental deployment, trial production.
– Experimental implementation is the application of scientific research results to experimental activities. The goal is to create new technologies and new products.
– Experimental production is the activity of applying the results of the implementation from experimentation, put into trial production on a small scale, from which to proceed to perfect new technologies and new products before applying them to officially produced.
– Science and Technology services are activities for scientific research and technological development. These are activities related to intellectual property and technology transfer. In addition, the services of Science and Technology are information, training, consulting, fostering and applying scientific and technological knowledge, practical experiences.

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