Relisate Total Herbicide
Recommended For Use
Relisate is a non-selective post-emergency herbicide for control of wide range of weeds on cultivated land e.g. For the killing of posture prior to crop planting, for weed control around trees, non-cropped areas and on industrial sites. Relisate Herbicide is friendly contact with soil and therefore has no residual activity.
Dilute only with clean water. Always add concentrate to water and stir. Do not store diluted herbicide. suitable for application with all types of surface spraying equipment. Relisate Herbicide is friendly contact with soil and therefore has no residual activity.
Application Rates For Relisate Herbicide
Although this may vary according to prevailing local conditions. Apply the following amount in 100-200 liters of water.
Annual grasses and annual broad-leaved weeds: 3 litres/hectre
Perennial grasses: 4 litres/hectre
Perennial broad- leaved weeds: 6 litres/hectre
Non crop areas: 5 litres/hectre
Equipment For Relisate weed Control
Apply knapsacks or mounted booms sprayer at 100-400 litres spray volume/hectre; or with controlled droplet applicators at 50-200 litres/hectre; or by aircraft at 20-50 litres/hectre.
Relisate Herbicide can also be applied with a bottle sprayed trigger or paint brush on unwanted plants and trees.
Don’t apply on post- emergency for aquatic weed control. Wear suitable protective clothing such as goggles, overalls, PVC gloves. When using the weed control do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands after use and before meals. Store in original containers away from children, animals and foodstuffs. Do not contaminate ponds, streams or ditches with products or used container. It is harmful to fish, irritating to eyes and skin.
Safety Interval
Keep livestock out of treated area for at least 5 days. Allow at least 1 week after applying weed control before applying other chemicals.
Withholding Period: Edible crops 14 days
Re-entry Period: 1-3 days
First Aid | weed control
General: stop working, rest and remove contaminated clothing, In case of eye or skin contact, wash thoroughly with water several times. If ingested, treat symptomatically, induce vomiting provided that the patient is conscious.
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