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Pen and paper are still important?

Many people use pens and colors and paper to help organize their lives or mark goals like fitness, finance, or a career. Despite the growing number of applications today, more and more supporters return to these traditional cheap stationery . And is that a sign that paper and paper still play an important role. Let’s follow the following article to find out.
Pens and paper have an advantage over the keyboard
Those who use pen and paper know the content well and remember longer because when the information is written they have to handle it instead of just typing the machine. Also in another study published in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, note-takers can memorize boring information.
Research published by Princeton University and the University of California at Los Angeles in 2014 shows that paper and pen have many advantages over keyboards. Results of three studies have shown that students who take notes on computers often answer questions about feeling inferior compared to students taking notes with paper and pen.
The difference is that even tech savvy people are returning to traditional tools.
Setting goals without the help of technology is not new. That’s the way people were before the Internet.
The scientific aspects
Is our screen too distracting? Maybe. Many studies suggest that multitasking distracts attention and this is not helpful for us.
Although technology can support a few simple tasks, technology overload is a real problem and is causing concerns.
Another Ofcom study in the UK found that 60% of technology users admitted they were addicted to their device, and a third of them admitted they were online more than they expected.
A 2010 study by the University of California in San Diego showed that conn people are consuming three times more information than the 1960s.
So why are simple tools more powerful than today’s applications?
A notebook or print pad will not run out of battery or stand in shape while in use. You cannot accidentally delete something. It will not ring or bother you constantly with notifications from emails, social networks or other applications. You can draw, you can draw a chart – sometimes a picture worth thousands of dollars – this is not easy on a phone or tablet.
Nearly 85% of creative office offices have whiteboards. Interestingly, of all the high-tech companies making software electronics as well as hardware, whiteboards are still the most popular tool for creative and collective discussion.
Research has also shown that touching the surface of the paper often activates areas of the brain involved in creativity. So the emotions and interactions you have when you build something tangible often have a lot to do with creativity.
So, in general, low-cost stationery such as pens, paper, notebooks still play an important role in life and work. Even in Western countries where science and technology has developed, there is no reason in Vietnam to have the opposite trend. In fact, people still prefer “black and white paper”.

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