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5 ways online meeting solution

No one better understands Information Technology (IT) experts the importance of being ahead of the technology trend, which is why the industry has always had so much success with IT for all. Shape and size. With online meeting solutions , users can take advantage of the latest video technology, streamline communication, improve efficiency and allow users to work more in a short amount of time. How can we do this?
Here are some applications of video conferencing in IT:
– Connect with colleagues around the world: DevFactory is a software development factory that produces streamline software to do everything from error correction to performance enhancement and beyond.
– Remote conference attendance: If your IT team needs to learn about the latest technology methods or learn about a hardware or software, consider using video to attend classes. remote training. Similarly, if managers have to train their employees remotely, streaming and recording technology will be very helpful.
– Facilitate employee communications: Harris Stratex Network, Inc., a leading wireless solution provider in the world with customers in over 135 countries, uses Lifesize terminals to connect offices, reducing the need for travel by 30% within 6 months. Instead of having to spend time and financial commitment traveling around the world, colleagues can communicate with each other as quickly as the push of a button.
– Stream, recording, and meeting storage and more for playback in the future, when you attend a group meeting or a training course, conferencing solutions truyenhinh will record your meeting easily with the press of a button. That way, if there is a member who cannot attend, or there is a difference in time zones, the content of any meeting will not be missed.
Online meeting solution is widely used in many fields, in the field of information technology, video conferencing is used to connect with colleagues around the world, attend remote conferences, stream, record. audio, and store the content of meetings.

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